Thursday, October 25, 2012

Challenge: 31 Days of Praying for your Husband


     Get ready to bookmark this post because you are about to read, and hopefully accept, a challenge for wives that will span over the next 31 days.  I just could not ignore the Spirit’s leading to share this! Ready?

     If you have been reading this blog for any amount of time then you probably figured out that I am on a lifetime, “till death do us part” mission to make my marriage work. Not just work in a day-to-day getting by sense, but I want to work on having a marriage that grows and thrives even on the not so blissful days. With that said, I have been thinking a lot about prayer. I believe that prayer works, BIG TIME, and it is something I do take seriously. I find it easy to add names to our prayer board on the fridge, and to commit to memory specifics about other people’s requests. While this is a great practice for anyone, I felt the Lord impress on my heart recently that I needed to put that same effort into praying more specifically and intentionally for Derek. That was prompting #1. To pray beyond the “Lord keep him safe, give him good health, help him in today’s work and strike down anyone that gets in his way” prayers. Ok… so the last part might be a slight exaggeration. hehe.

     Prompting #2: The last time I visited my family in Miami, I decided to borrow, err, keep a book from my mom’s bookshelf, Becoming the Woman of His Dreams. If I haven’t said it already, my mom is my role model when it comes to being a godly wife. Who knew that the first section of this book would be about a wife that prays for her husband- affirmation!

     Prompting #3 and the challenge: I have a special liking for Pinterest and all its creative goodness. Don’t judge me, I pin way more than I actually do… I’ll have you know, however, that if a pin to make craft can get me to our local Hobby Lobby store, then a pin to pray for my husband can definitely prompt me to action too.  In browsing random boards, I came across one that had a link for “31 Days of Praying for Your Husband. “ Perfect!  This site has incredible daily prompts to *start* the deeper, targeted prayers for your honey. I am on day three and on my way to school today I was able to pray that, “… [my] husband would be humble and quick to agree with God about his sin [and] that his heart would be tender toward the voice of the Lord.”

I tried a different thirty-one day challenge last year and I was amazed at how God worked in my heart for a month. So, I am open and ready to continue this challenge and intentionally pray for Derek! It was originally intended to be during the month of October but we’ll just carry it on through November, ok? J


  Here is the link for the challenge page: 31 Days of Praying for Your Husband

     Find a time that you know you can will commit to prayer each day for the next few weeks. For me, honestly, it has been in my car the last three days on my way out to school and church. You do not have to be on your knees with the lights off in a room to pray- although that atmosphere is great too. You can do it right now. J I hope you will take up this challenge not because I have asked you to, but because you love your husband and care for your marriage enough to know that fervent prayer accomplishes much… even in marriage. (James 5:16) This can be a committment between you and the Lord and your husband does not have to know until after (if you want to tell him!) that you prayed over him for 31 days.

     Let’s keep each other accountable too! Feel free to text me, e-mail me, tweet me, or send me a message on FB. If you’re not married, you can still take up the challenge to pray for your fiancé or seriously dating boyfriend.  Even if you are single, you can use this time to pray this over your future husband. It would be pretty neat to be able to tell your spouse someday that you prayed specifics over him without knowing who it would be. Sheesh, I would be blown away!

This will be great- Thank you, Lord!

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