I have to admit, one of my biggest pet peeves is getting jabbed with comments about my age. If you’re also an early 20s young married then you are probably all too familiar with the “You’re too young to be married” comments. “Oh, you’re just young and in love-that’ll change.” What does that even mean? Arrg! Last week I was reminded in a much needed and refreshing way that while I am a young wife and may seem to not know “too much” there are older couples watching me. We, Derek and I, are being watched as Christians and as individuals, but more than that there are eyes observing what our marriage testimony is speaking to the world around us. I/ you may be young, but we are not useless.
Derek, and the worship ministry he leads at our church,
recorded an incredible album recently over the span of two evenings. I decided
to come and support the choir, my hubs, and the project both nights so I took a
seat in the back of the sanctuary and hoped that my presence would not distract
anyone too much. I’m not quite sure I sat
still long enough to fly under the radar but I tried… A few days later on
Sunday in between our morning services, an older gentleman approached me and
said that he appreciated my presence at the recording (how sweet) and that it
spoke of my support for Derek as a wife to come even if just to watch. “I
notice when a wife supports her husband.” That
was music to my young and married
As he walked away, I was reminded that people are watching
me as a person for more than just how I dress and what I say. There are eyes
from little people and seasoned adults that are comparing what I say and
believe about marriage to how I am actually “living the talk.” I was reminded
of the verse in 1 Timothy 4:12:
“[Giselle] don’t let anyone think less of you because
you are young. Be an example [as a wife] to all believers in what [I] say, in
the way [I] live, in [my] love, [my] faith, and [my] purity.”
I personalized this verse because I did not
want to forget that I am not only a Christian called to be an example, but I am
a Christian wife called to the same as well. Would another believer think of me as an
example in this area even in my young age? Does the way that I love Derek tell
the world about a love greater than mine, Christ’s? Am I setting boundaries and
protecting my reputation and that of my marriage’s so that my purity as a wife
will not come into question? These are thoughts, wives, that we must consider
if we take up the challenge found in this verse. I hope that you get “God winked”
too by having an older person, or anyone really, respect you for striving to be
a young wife who shows the world that “age
ain’t nothing but a number” when it comes to setting an example. You go girl. J
This week's married moment: Derek supported the Boy Scouts and brought home a little surprise. See ya' under the mistletoe. Muaaah! :)