Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Midnight Thinking

“Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it.”
Henry Ford
     Do you ever have those nights where your thoughts will not let you go to sleep? I am not talking about worrisome or anxious thoughts, but the dreaming, questioning, and curious kind. Well, I have them too. I consider myself an “information hungry” type person so I feel like I usually have some type of idea, question, or just random thought that I want to know more about. This type of curiosity could be to a fault though, so it is important that I/we learn to be productive and effectively use our wonderings. There is a “time for everything,” right?
     Just a few hours ago I wanted to know why headaches start so I did some “googling.” There was way more information than I could sort through so I skimmed and stored away, in who knows what brain compartment, what I wanted to know. Then, I was satisfied. Random, I know. Sometimes I get a little more sophisticated with my searches… just saying. ;)
    I told Derek that all the thoughts in my mind were not letting me get to sleep. I am sure Freud would have a thing or two to say about my mind’s unconscious activity. Oh, brother… Little did Derek know what he got himself into by asking “Like what?” I rambled off thought after thought and paused when I saw a little smirk creep onto his lips. “You should just write all those down, babe.” And, so I am.
Do I like UCF? Is it realistic for people to “get ahead” without Bachelor’s degrees anymore? Why are we as a society so judgmental of those who don’t get them or can’t?
             What does an ideal job look like for me?
Why do people say they wish they had “done more” before kids? What do I/we want to accomplish before little ones come? I don't want to be thinking "I wish I had..." when it's time.
Who are the military families at our church? Is there something we can do to encourage or help them?
             What’s something I can do this week to be spontaneous with Derek?
I can’t wait for Mission’s Conference at OBC! What’s something extra that I can do for our missionary friends that will come?
Based on the insult from the lady at the dentist’s office yesterday, do I come across as one of “those” people that are socially handicapped because of technology dependence? How much is too much?
How can I be more “present” in my relationships?
Can NFP realistically work for me/us?
I want to host a get-together…How, when, where, who… Why?
How do I learn to be a better blogger?
                Sometimes I stay up and "think" out loud with Jesus, other days I stay up reliving good memories in my mind as I drift off to sleep, or sometimes they turn into nights like tonight- randoms floating around to be considered for a bit and then wait to be answered at another time... if there is an answer. Allow yourself to wonder and think sometimes. It’s ok. :)
What thoughts keep you up at night or pensive throughout the day?


  1. Haha this was awesome. I love that you wrote all those thoughts down and shared them. My mind wanders and wonders all the time when I lay down to sleep!

  2. ;) Chelsea, obviously the questions I've asked you are still on my mind! Derek laughs when we lay down and my mind just can't stop running and I have to talk it all out. ay yai yai!
