Saturday, January 19, 2013

"If I Ever Get Married" List

              Once upon a time, I didn’t think I would get married for a verrry long time. For many reasons I was consumed with other parts of life, and finding a future husband just wasn’t on my radar. However, that didn’t stop me from having a “if I ever do get married” list with a few things like…

ü   “white boy”

ü   blue eyes

ü  genuinely and freely loves the Lord

ü  tall enough so that I could wear any size heel I want to…(a staple request on a tall girl’s list)

ü  For good measure, please let him be able to sing (I thought this was asking for TOO much!)

          While I had my list, I thought it would be by chance if I got even just a few of my wishes someday. It wasn’t until I read, “When God Writes Your Love Story,” that I really started to consider that the Lord might actually give me the desires of my heart when I pursued His heart for me first. Little did I know that the Lord knew what I wanted and needed before I could ever express it myself. In fact, He knew them better than I did, and orchestrated it all in a timing so perfect that changed the course of my life forever. I would never have chosen the circumstances that surrounded the timing myself, but the Lord knew I needed for it all to happen exactly the way it did for my heart to be in just the right place. J

         On my way home today from running an errand with a girlfriend, I was reminded about how God wrote my own love story. After I asked what her “type” was in a guy, I listened as my friend shared some of the things she considered important and wants one day too. As an encouragement to not worry or fret, I shared a little of what I wished for and how Derek came packaged with it all, AND more.

      “It’s amazing how God cares about even those little details, and how He already knows what is best for us.” Her words are true! I hoped, I wished, I crossed my fingers for it all, and the Lord had already checked it off His list for me. I can imagine Him listening to my prayers and looking down on me thinking, “My love, that is on my list for you too. Let me check this one box for you…”

ü Derek

     If you are single and discouraged, don’t lose hope. While fairytales and movies make it all seem to happen on an overnight whim, that is just not the case. I know this for sure, I promise. I didn't get to twirl around in a yellow gown with books galore surrounding me either.  A white wedding dress was better anyway! At least I didn't have to deal with a Gaston-ish guy! On a serious note...what you may think you want and need, might just not be what the Lord desires for you. I firmly believe that when we seek Him in everything and yearn to know His plan for our lives, that our desires become His desires. If you are engaged or married remember what you love about your spouse or soon-to-be and think back to it often. Give thanks for how your honey uniquely satisfies what you had on your “if I ever get married list,” and on the hard days, think about these things again and again.

     All of my requests weren't shallow, I promise. BUT, I did get my tall, handsome, blue-eyed, white boy… What came true for you? J


“Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.” Psalm 37:4 AMP


  1. I wanted a guitar playing youth pastor. When I was dating Kenny he did not play the guitar and was selling cars. Look what I got... !

    1. Look at that! Had no clue he wasn't a youth pastor when you both got married. That's such a neat part of your story- especially since you got what you desired afterall too! :)

  2. This has got to be one of my favorites posts so far! I am witness to a marriage that was prayed upon prior to my parents meeting. 25 years later I see the fruit of God's labor. I know that through prayer I can confide in the Lord to provide with what my heart so much desires.

    Thanks for the post G&D!

    1. I love knowing you are blessed with that example in your parent's marriage! So very true about trusting the Lord to provide just who you will need and at the right time- trusting is the hard part!

      So glad you enjoyed this post, Frances! Thanks for reading. :)

  3. This is so sweet and inspiring!! Thank you for writing!!!

    Thank you Frances for sharing on your Facebook!

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting, Brittany! It brings me joy to know you found inspiration in this post. I hope your story will inspire those in your circle of influence and people you will come to know one day too! :)
