Friday, January 4, 2013


We are four days into the New Year. How are your resolutions holding up? Pretty good so far, right? I’m feeling on top of things with my resolutions this early into the year too. :)

I once heard someone say that the reason she used the word “resolution” versus “goal” for some of the items on her New Year’s list was because she continually wanted to be working on them and not get to a place where checking something off meant never visiting it again- like an attitude change.
For 2012 and now this year, I have loved getting to add new things to work on under the “wife” category. (Lord help me to keep saying so!) Adding resolutions and goals to the lines for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health have seemed to be a little easier. Maybe it's because working towards being the wife God created me to be doesn't only change me, but it empowers Derek to be the husband and man he was designed to become. Talk about a lot of "girl power!"

I have to confess that while I don't think I have crossed the boundary of becoming a "nagging wife," there is a thing or two I have tried to change for Derek more than once that I am sure he is weary hearing about. No compromise of morality, no major essential to argue about, just preferences that I can, honestly, let go. Well, this year I have resolved to shift the... let's call it what it is, NAGGING, focus onto issues that I can improve in my own life and let God do his work as Holy Spirit in my and Derek's lives. It is true, I am his wife and not the little voice in his head. That's a relief!

One of my mantra's this year is "I can!" based off of Phil. 4:13, "For I CAN do everything through Christ, who gives me strength."

*I can stop nagging before it starts... because Christ strengthens me!

*I can be the wife I am uniquely designed to be... because Christ strengthens me!

*I can build my marriage up... because Christ strengthens me!

Today I meditated on the two verses that precede this passage, "Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. (Philippians 4:11, 12 NLT)" Marriage is a choice, to love is a choice, and to be a better spouse is a choice that we have made or can make. Like these verses encourage us to do, I invite you to be resolved to be #1, content. Let's choose to be content with the decision we made to be in our marriage, no matter how the thought of it may be today. It can be a learned action! Secondly, "in good times and in bad, for better or worse" let us unlock the secret to living with everything or nothing, remembering the cheerfulness with which we promised to do so on our wedding day.

Today, I overheard negativity about the state of marriages and my heart was crushed. Not only does it discourage me as a young married, but it makes hope for lasting marriages seem grim. Marriage isn't easy but the effort put into yours is worth every tear shed and smile reaped. I hope we, wives, will resolve to pray and be faithfully committed to our husband and marriage in 2013 and every year that we get to enjoy our days with our handsome lovers... because Christ gives us the strength to!

Happy New Year, sweetie! :)


  1. This year I have a goal to pray the wisdom of proverbs over my husband- repeating one new chapter each week. I have made many strides in the NAGGING department- still more to come, I'm sure- but reading Wild At Heart helped me a TON! Love your posts :)

    1. That is such a great idea, I love that! How's it been going this month? Have you noticed a difference in yourself and/or marriage? I'd love to read your thoughts on it! :) Maybe I should read Wild at Heart too! I read the "girl" version, Captivating, a few years back. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. :)
