Sunday, August 19, 2012

Pew Thoughts 8.19.12

                My favorite time of day is right before the sun rises and all that you can see is a glow across the horizon. I get a thrill when I can be up before the sun beats me to it. At this hour, the city still seems to be asleep and all movement appears to quietly move along, waiting for the sun’s “ok” to begin the noise for the day. Cars zoom by but not a honk is heard, and birds wait to sing their morning songs. I got ready for church earlier than usual this morning and had time to sneak outside and wait for the sun to appear. So beautiful! I was reminded of Hillsong’s song, “You’ll Come” which brought to memory God’s promise in Hosea 6:3,

                                                             “…As surely as the sun rises,
                                                                         he will appear;
                                                     he will come to us like the winter rains,
                                                    like the spring rains that water the earth.”

     Thank you, Lord, for a tangible reminder of this verse in a sunrise.

                This wasn’t the only teaching that I had to be reminded of today. My Pastor continued his series, When in Rome, today with a message titled “The Fatal Flaws of Religion.” The Scripture portion came from Romans 2:1-11. Be ready to have a reality check when you read it. Paul’s words remind me that I cannot judge others and expect God to show favoritism towards me in all of my wrong doings. In these verses, Paul exposes our “self-righteous hypocrisy” (word my pastor used) and boldy tells me that I am just as bad as those that I condemn. My pastor made the point to remind me and the congregation that regardless of the type of sin, I am a sinner saved by God’s grace. Sure, the people that I so easily judge and condemn may engage in a different type of sin, but I still sin too and am subject to God’s judgment also.

                Pastor Dave reminded me…

-          As I freely decide to judge others, I am exposed to God’s freedom to judge me too. (vs. 3) Ouch!

-          Most of the time what I criticize and point out in others is a reflection of the same sin I commit.

-          Use myself as an example if I want to expose and talk about sins before I bring someone else’s name into it. (He shared a few of his own examples and I appreciated that transparency!)

-          I cannot rename the sins that I commit when they are the same as another’s. Example, “He/She lies and cheats, but I just exaggerate sometimes.”

-          God’s kindness is meant to lead me to repentance (vs. 4) yet I want to hurry up and help God make His decision on how to punish others but want Him to take his time on me when I’ve made a mistake.

-          Why do I feel the need to express why others got what they did as a consequence of sin? Example: that girl/guy deserved those STD’s and heartache for how much they slept and meddled around with others… *Man, I could cry thinking of the times I’ve made the same or similar accusations.*

With each convicting reminder, I thanked God for having mercy on me to not strike me dead or expose me for all the times I’ve gossiped, been jealous of another girl, or disrespected my husband or someone in authority. My list of sins is much longer and sometimes I can also be self-righteous in thinking that compared to others, my mistakes are just “not that bad.” Forgive me, Lord.

        You and I are not responsible for the judgment of other’s sins. God will take care of it. (Romans 12:19) It’s so hard sometimes for me to sit back and not worry about what I think other people should get for their sins, but when I think about all that I  deserve  and the mercy that has spared me from it, I thank God that he too gives grace and mercy to all.              

         We all have a choice, like my pastor shared, and we all have to live with the consequence of our choices. Should we choose to judge, we will also face the consequence of that decision one day. (Romans 2:6) If we think about God exposing all of our sins in public, it’s a serious reminder that we are not that different from what we consider “the worst of sinners.” Let’s stop playing the games, and grow more in the power of love, grace, and mercy. I have to pray frequently for God to help me release the control that I want to hold on to for judgment I think that specific people deserve. Have I been hurt terribly because of sin in the last few years? Yes, more than you can imagine. But, have I hurt those same people and others too in the same way? No doubt. I pray that God will continually convict me and help me to replace thoughts of vengeance with His Word and Truth. So, what fatal flaw of religion does this all boil down to? It's the one that makes me think that just because I'm a "church going Christian" that I have to right to take judgment and sentencing of sins into my own hands while acting like I have a hall pass from God to forget my own.
         After reading these verses in Romans, write and think about what God is trying to teach you. Have you tried to take judgment into your own hands? How's that worked out for you? Do you need to change your way of thinking and ask someone for forgiveness this week?

                           What we worshipped to today:

                “Always”- Kirk Franklin
                “To Deserve”- Jonathan Stockstill
“Here I Am to Worship”- Matt Redman

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